
Bleached Drop Cloth Relaxed Roman Shades

Today, I thought I would share my first attempt at a drop cloth creation. I initially came across drop cloth as a sewing material while surfing Pinterest. I was intrigued by drop cloths because they are inexpensive, durable, and color neutral. Drop cloth also has a somewhat French shabby chic (almost linen) look that I really like. Finally, when tackling a large project like my super wide series of windows, it seemed silly to spend a minimum of $15.00/yard on real linen when I might ultimately hate the finished product.

Here is the before photo (it’s kind of just missing something):


Also, please don’t mind the cluttered mess that I sometimes endure on my dining room table!

Here is the after:



To start with I purchased two drop cloths. I bleached them in my washing machine (one at a time). I cut four pieces – one to cover each window plus allow for side hems and seam allowances. I ultimately decided to connect the four pieces and create a pleat in between each window to cover the three seams. I debated making two sets of double relaxed roman shades so that they would not be joined in the middle. I was nervous about dealing with such a wide length of fabric. I’m glad I made it all one piece.

The drop cloths are lined with drapery lining to help give them some shape. I did not use blackout lining because I really didn’t need it with the blinds already there. Instead, I used the Roc-lon Sonata Sateen drapery lining, which I found lovely to work with.

There are plastic rings sewn to the back on the very edges as well as at the three seams.

The shade could have been functioning as I ran cord through the rings and I have a cleat near the side of the frame. However, I really never plan to close them because I have blinds for privacy. At the end of the day, they’re an extra wide relaxed roman shade valance!

For a complete guide to bleaching drop cloths check out this post:

Drop Cloth Blackout Curtains

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